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Clearwater Acupuncture: Infertility Treatment?

Have you been trying to conceive without much success? Tried various Western Medicine techniques? Interested in a more natural approach to your infertility? At Dawn Potter Acupuncture we proudly offer infertility treatment in Clearwater, Florida which consists of acupuncture along with traditional Chinese medicine. At her practice, Dawn Potter provides fertility treatment for both men and women. During your consultation, Dawn can help determine the best option for you and your needs.

Picture of Pregnant Belly

Are Natural Fertility Treatments Right For Me?

Have you been trying to conceive a child for at least 1 year without any success? For most doctors, this would qualify for an infertility diagnosis. Infertility is common, around 10% of women in the United States under the age of 44 and around 7.5% of men under the age of 45 experience it. Many people turn to medical technology such as intra-uterine insemination, in vitro fertilization or even ovulation-promoting all known as Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Many of these treatment options can be expensive and taxing on those trying to conceive. Success rates are also quite low.

Clearwater Natural Infertility Treatments: What To Expect

Research in the last few decades have shown quite successful rates of fertility when acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine are used in conjunction with other Assisted Reproductive Technologies. With Dawn Potter, weekly acupuncture treatments for 4-6 weeks, followed by bi-weekly treatments monthly are often recommended. This treatment is combined with Chinese herbs until successful pregnancy. If your doctor has recommended herbs not be taken during fertility treatment in Clearwater with Dawn Potter, twice weekly acupuncture appointments during the assisted cycle will be recommended. The protocol is used for all patients regardless of gender.

Schedule Infertility Acupuncture Treatments in Clearwater

Ready to start a more natural approach to your fertility treatments in Clearwater, Florida? Interested in some patient testimonials? You can view testimonials by clicking here and schedule an appointment with Dr. Dawn Potter today by clicking here.


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