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Fertility Success: Endometriosis & Failed IVF - Clearwater, Florida



*If you are anything like us you’re probably not sure about this whole acupuncture and holistic medicine thing. If so, I ask that you read our story and hopefully it will help you make up your mind.


We wanted to get pregnant. We tried to get pregnant. We worked to get pregnant. For two years we worked to get pregnant. I know that for some, two years of trying to get pregnant doesn’t seem like that long, but for us it was an eternity. Due to my wife’s endometriosis we were afraid that we would have problems getting pregnant from the start. We tried the old fashioned way for about nine months and then began our search for a remedy.


Over the next year and a half there were many things we tried. Laparoscopic surgery to remove endometriosis and ensure that the fallopian tubes were clear resulted in no pregnancy and we feel possibly made things worse. Next we tried Cl***d and Met*****n which resulted in lots of nausea but no pregnancy.


From there we moved on to a fertility clinic where we were told that due to the extreme nature of the endometriosis we would probably never get pregnant naturally and that IVF was our best option. Our first round of IVF treatments did not go as planned and so our cycle was cancelled. Our second round produced slightly better results than our first and it was felt that may be as good as it got for us. The result was one beautiful fertilized egg transplanted and no pregnancy.


We were then told that we had one more chance if we wished to pursue a more experimental IVF treatment and if that didn’t work, donor eggs would be recommended. We were crushed. We really never expected to reach the end of the road and certainly not so soon.


We took a break from all treatments to clear our heads and recover, but we knew that we would try our last shot at IVF. However, after a couple months break and scouring the internet for anything we could find, we decided to give acupuncture a try, after all what could it hurt. We were skeptical, but we were ready to grasp at straws.


We contacted a couple of people and felt most comfortable when speaking with Dawn Balusik. She answered our questions and explained why we needed to do certain things, allaying our fears. For example, we were leery of taking herbal supplements, but after talking with Dawn about why, how, and when, we felt comfortable and decided to proceed.


Dawn explained why it was felt we were having trouble getting pregnant and the issues caused by the endometriosis. She then explained the steps we would need to take to alleviate our problems. We took herbs and vitamins, we changed our diet, and my wife got stuck with needles.


The first month, my wife had a shorter and easier menstrual cycle by a little bit. The second month was an even shorter, easier, and less painful cycle, and we used ovulation tests for the first time in over a year with positive results. We took this to mean that her hormone levels were doing better and what they should. The third month resulted in the least painful and easiest cycle of her life.


As for the fourth month, well there wasn’t one. December 25th, Christmas day, 2012 we received a positive pregnancy test (six of them actually, I really, really wanted to be sure). On August 21st, 2013 our beautiful daughter was born.


Two years of surgery, drugs, and doctors versus three months of holistic medicine, I wish we would have started sooner. After this we have recommended acupuncture and Acupuncture By Dawn to anyone that has asked and maybe even to people that haven’t. We recommend Dawn Balusik to you and wish you the best.


-The Peters Family, Clearwater, FL, Feb 2014


*Individual results may vary.



2907 FL-590 Suite 6A,

Clearwater, FL 33759

Phone: (727) 475-4710, ext 1


Hours (by appt only)
Mon, Tue, Fri:       9:30a - 6:30p

Thur:                    1:30p - 6:30p
Sat (alternating):  
9:30a - 1:30p

© 2025 Dawn Potter Acupuncture

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