Fertility Success: Endometriosis & Recurring Pregnancy Loss
- Clearwater, Florida

*After suffering multiple miscarriages (between 7-9 weeks) and dealing with the pain of endometriosis, I decided to take the advice of an OB/GYN family friend and try acupuncture. She had used acupuncture during her IVF treatment and given birth to healthy twin boys.
My husband and I had been trying for a baby since 2003. After more than two years and three miscarriages, we consulted a fertility specialist. For a year I underwent endless blood tests which were unable to determine any problem. I began doing intensive online research and felt certain my symptoms matched those of endometriosis.
It took another six months of treatment and another miscarriage before I complained enough about the pain to convince my doctor to perform bilateral laparoscopy surgery where he found Stage 4 endometriosis and removed several large cysts from both of my ovaries. He stated that he was amazed I had conceived at all and was surprised I hadn’t complained more from the pain. I had…for the entire duration of my treatment.
After surgery I was put on the drug Lupron to shut down my ovaries for a couple of months in an effort to let the rest of the endometriosis cells die. This drug caused night sweats, hot flashes, cramping, bleeding and mood swings. Two elevated FSH tests followed which prompted my doctor to recommend the possibility of looking into donor egg IVF as my best option of conceiving a healthy baby.
Not convinced that this was the necessary next option, I turned to acupuncture. After three months of treatment with Dawn Balusik using acupuncture and herbs, and a healthy diet, I conceived naturally and had a healthy, problem-free pregnancy. For the first time in four years I was pain-free, and being treated by someone who was optimistic, supportive, and receptive to my questions and concerns.
In July 2007, I gave birth to an 8 lb 10 oz baby boy! I feel that had I not been treated with acupuncture and the herbs, my body would not have been healed or strong enough to sustain a healthy pregnancy.
If my husband and I attempt to add to our family, there is no doubt in my mind that I will turn to Dawn Balusik and her acupuncture again to give me the mental and physical treatment that I feel gifted me with my son!
– Dede C., Clearwater, FL, October 2007
*Individual results may vary.