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Fertility Success

Picture of Andrea & Family


*Our journey to conceiving our daughter was kind of a long one. Our story isn't the worst story I've heard but it also wasn't the easiest.   


After trying a little over a year to conceive, I decided to seek medical help to see what was going on.  In December 2014, I started seeing a reproductive medicine Doctor.  After an enormous amount of testing and money I was diagnosed with stage three endometriosis. In January of 2015, I had surgery to remove the scarring from the endometriosis.  The doctor who performed my surgery told me the next step was IVF. I wasn't really accepting that at that point in time so I decided to try another doctor who worked magic on a friend.  


After being monitored by him and going through a few rounds of Chlomid and IUI's that were unsuccessful, my next step again  was IVF.  I had heard acupuncture had worked for some people and thought to myself it wouldn't hurt to try it!  I must admit I was not a believer at first but quickly changed my opinion.  After consulting with Dawn on Chinese herbs, diet, and treatment I conceived shortly thereafter. My first visit to see Dawn was on September 4th, 2015.  I notified Dawn on September 25th, 2015 I was pregnant. 


However, my treatment didn't stop there! I saw Dawn once a week for my entire pregnancy.  I truly believe I had a wonderful pregnancy because of my visits to Dawn. I always looked forward to coming in to see her too!  Dawn takes her time with her patients and truly listens to them.  I continue to see Dawn to this day for post pregnancy treatment.  She's helped me with breastfeeding and also ideas to help with our daughter.


I feel like I owe Dawn the world and truly thank her from the bottom of my heart for giving us the gift of life.


-Andrea Vonderau

*Individual results may vary.

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